
Born in Norwich, Leah is a poet, writer and a gestalt psychotherapist in training. She is a contributor to Breathe magazine, Psychology Now, Mslexia, Female First, Red magazine and Natural Health.
She has an MA in Creative Writing, and in addition to her studies in gestalt, she is in the advanced stages of training to become a Certified Poetry Therapist with the International Federation of Biblio-Poetry Therapy.
Her poetry is often metaphysical and the exploration of dreams and the unconscious also informs a large part of her work. Since adolescence she has been a lucid dreamer, and in recent years, this nocturnal pursuit has inspired many of her poems.
Her debut collection, Oneironaut, is being published by Indigo Dreams on 25th October 2024 (you can pre-order it here). The book, for which she has been mentored by Mimi Khalvati and Liz Berry, explores sleep deprivation, dreams, the different stages of sleep, consciousness and the ‘shadow self’. She uses poetry to capture her dream world and ‘shadow work’ experiences.
Her maternal side is Maltese and Sicilian, and her paternal is British. After a decade working in London, including a spell living on three different islands in the Caribbean, she has since returned to her home-county of Norfolk, where she is happiest.
"Oneironaut is a deep dive into dreaming and especially lucid dreaming. It has the kind of surrealism I like, whimsy with plenty of bite…. congrats on writing such an intriguing set of poems." Rishi Dastidar.
"Wow, wow, wow! Leah your imagery is so arresting. I love the horror element [in House Without Walls] really sensational” – Marvin Thompson
"Thought-provoking, lyrical, disturbing, and yet bewitching..." ~ Penelope Shuttle
"Frightening and powerful" ~ Ink, Sweat, Tears